Romance and Health
By Ernestus PenuelaIsn't it wonderful to walk along a sunset boulevard full with flowers? Do we feel loved if we stroll beside a park full with flower box gardens? This romantic scenery is also possible at home. Some trowels, shovels, flowers and container boxes are our best friend if we plan to have a garden of love in our house. I think it will not be difficult to have one if we really want it. Who knows? Our better half might like it and will be really thrilled to have it added in your love cradle. I bet you have a great smile on your face while reading this. Well, everyone has their own way of making their relationships exciting. But to deal with flowers, there are so many benefits that we gain just to have this unique symbol of romance. It does not only stop at giving some bouquets of bloom to our loved ones, or spreading red rose petals on their pathways. It is the healthy lifestyle that we can achieve just to have it in our home.
Simple as it is, gardening, does not only give us an emotional satisfaction, but it also gives us a full body work out. Say, we are going to lift a twenty-pound flower box, then transfer it from your front yard to the backyard, which would be like 10-15 meters away. Wouldn't it be a good early morning exercise for you to do that? The entire activity is cardio exercise mixed with muscle toning. Another one would be shoveling. If we are to shovel holes it would be like another cardiovascular exercise mixed with some muscle training. Gardening is truly a great exercise not only for our body but also for our heart.
Did I say heart? Well, when we are stressed, there are lots of negative health conditions that we acquire like heart ailment. For us to take care of for our heart we need to manage our stress. And one of the best therapies is to have flowers and do gardening at home. Gardening is the key to a healthy life according to home and gardening enthusiasts. As mentioned, exercise is good for our health because it is the best way to relieve stress. Also flowers can make the saddest soul happy. By only gazing at the beautiful creation of God, our mood suddenly changes from hopeless to positive.
Indeed, flowers and gardening have great impact to us. People who lack garden at home miss half of their lives as an individual because even just a simple mini flower box can create positive changes to our lives. It can be a holistic positive change for our health as well as our romance. Putting flower and gardening together will give us happiness and to start now is a great idea.
Ernest Penuela specializes in custom window boxes and residential planters such as PVC planters and provides expert tips and ideas about indoor gardening. For more information, you can visit and or call 800-896-0978